Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Great Right Hope

"We don't need to rewrite the Constitution of the United States of America, we need to reread the Constitution and enforce the Constitution. … And I know that there are some people that are not going to do that, so for the benefit of those who are not going to read it because they don’t want us to go by the Constitution, there’s a little section in there that talks about 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' … Don’t stop there, keep reading. Cause that’s when it says 'when any form of government becomes destructive of those ideals, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.'"
- Herman Cain, (05/21/11)

Herman Cain, while lecturing on how Americans need to re-read Constitution, cites phrases from the Declaration of Independence.   

Excerpt:  Crazy Sh*t Republicans Say